

A listing is a catalog or list or items. You might be in the habit of checking TV listings every night, to see what's on the next day. You might make a listing of every cupcake and brownie that's donated to your school bake sale, or consult a listing of the available puppies at your local animal shelter.

PT Bursa Efek Indonesia

Listing properti mungkin terdengar awam bagi sebagian orang. Nah, untuk mengetahui apa itu listing properti, yuk simak ulasannya di bawah ini. Istilah properti tersebut kerap diperbincangkan oleh para broker atau agen properti dalam kegiatan pemasaran. Keberadaan listing bagi broker properti sangat penting.

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Listing merupakan salah satu istilah yang sering ditemukan dalam dunia investasi atau saham. Listing dapat dipahami sebagai pencatatan atau pencantuman suatu Efek dalam daftar Efek yang tercatat di Bursa dan dapat diperjualbelikan. Jika Anda investor pendatang baru, Anda perlu memahami istilah listing dan jenis pencatatan saham lainnya.

Unduh Appnya! Onlist merupakan situs jual beli sewa properti terlengkap di Indonesia. Listing properti terbaik untuk menjual dan membeli rumah, apartemen, tanah, ruko, gudang, kantor, kios dan lainnya.

Learn the meaning of listing as a noun, with synonyms, examples, and word history. Find out the legal and kids definitions of listing in real estate and other contexts.

Learn the meaning and usage of the word listing, which can refer to a list, a record, a catalog, or a material trimmed from a board. See synonyms, origin, and related words for listing.

Learn the meaning, usage, and origin of the word listing, as well as related terms and examples from various sources. Find out how to use listing in different contexts, such as computing, business, finance, and entertainment, with synonyms and antonyms.

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